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Colorful undereye makeup is trending on TikTok, thanks to creator Naezrah's videos. The trend features eyeshadow looks done under the eye instead of on the eyelid. Ahead, a professional breaks down the trend and how to achieve it at home.
If you're on TikTok at all, you'll be more hard-pressed to find someone not trying the undereye-shadow trend right now. The trend — which has gone viral, thanks to creator @naezrahlooks — has been seen in various iterations across social media platforms.
What exactly does the undereye-shadow trend entail? This makeup look is the perfect way to play with color. "I like to call this trend an exaggerated inner-corner pop," professional makeup artist and content creator Jonet Williamson tells POPSUGAR. "It's the use of bright matte shadows being applied from the inner corner/tear duct to where you'd normally apply a brightening concealer. I've seen it done in so many shades and have even seen multicolored-rainbow undereye makeup."
This trend pushes the boundaries of colorful makeup. "The inner-corner pop, for me, came out of pure self-expression and experimentation," Williamson says. "It later became a way for me to teach others how to use more color in a subtle way . . . swapping out the typical gold or champagne tear-duct highlight for a brighter pop."
The trend has become yet another avenue for Williamson to continue finding innovative ways to use color, with the goal of continuing to create looks that challenge the idea of "everyday beauty." Williamson believes there's a reason the look is going viral at this moment. "Gen Z is just much more expressive with makeup," she says. "Creator @naezrahlooks, who is the reason the look is going viral, is the perfect example of Gen Z's creativity with makeup. Her version of the trend is more exaggerated and often incorporates additional designs. I absolutely love it!"
If you want to get the look at home, Williamson has some tips. "To get the viral undereye-shadow look at home, you'll want to swap your undereye concealer out for a bright eye paint instead," Williamson says. "I'd suggest using a mix of cream color, like NYX Ultimate Eye Paints ($10) or the About Face Beauty Matte Fluid Eye Paints ($16), layered with bright matte shadows on top."
If you need some inspiration for the undereye-makeup trend, take a look at some of the best variations ahead.
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